Above: David Press, Two Level Black Light Sculpture, Small Works 2019
ABOVE: © Barnett, Slow Walker, Mixed Media, 20 x 13 x 14 (From Small Works 2023)
Small Works 2025: Microcosm
Upstream Gallery, Hastings on Hudson NY
Entries are open now!
Every work of art is a universe of its own. For this year’s Small Works show, we invite artists to submit work that speaks to the idea of the microcosm: an echo of a larger universe. Upstream Gallery invites artists from North America working in any medium except photography to submit work focused on the theme. All styles ranging from abstract to representational are welcome.
Venue: The exhibition will be at Upstream Gallery, Hastings on Hudson, NY from January 9th to January 26th
Eligible Work: Drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture are all eligible for this juriedshow. Successful entries will demonstrate clear thematic relationships among two or more pieces. Photography is not eligible for this exhibition; we hold a separate show for photographic work. Specifications: Maximum framed size may not exceed 20 inches in any direction including frame or base.
Accepted pieces must be properly wired or mounted for hanging. 3-D work must be ready for wall-mounting or have a base included. The gallery reserves the right to reject poorly presented pieces.
Extended Deadline for Entries, Tuesday December 10th at midnight. All entries must be made via Submittable.
Friday, January 3rd by 5 pm deadline for delivery of accepted work, if shipping
Monday, January 6th, 10 a.m. to 2 pm: Local artists deliver artwork to gallery.
Thursday, January 9th, Opening of exhibition
Sunday, January 12th, Opening Reception 2-5 pm
Sunday, January 26th, Last day of exhibition
Monday, January 27th, Local Artists pick up work